Image carousel using Bootstrap

In this post, we’ll create a basic image carousel using Bootstrap. Carousels are a great way to display multiple images or content snippets on a web page. Bootstrap provides a pre-built carousel component that makes it easy to add this functionality to your website.

What you’ll need:

  • Basic HTML knowledge.
  • A code editor.
  • A Bootstrap CDN link.


Why Choose Bootstrap Carousels?

Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework known for its robust collection of pre-designed components, making it easy to build responsive and visually appealing websites. The carousel component is one of Bootstrap’s most versatile features, offering a simple yet powerful solution for implementing slideshows without the need for complex JavaScript code.


  1. Set up the HTML structure: Start with the basic HTML document structure, including the <DOCTYPE>, <html>, <head>, <body>, and closing tags.
    Include the Bootstrap CSS CDN link in the <head> section. You can find the latest version link on the Bootstrap website.
  2. Create the Carousel:  Add a <div> element with the class carousel slide and data-ride=”carousel” attribute to your body. This creates the carousel container.
    Inside the carousel container, add an ordered list <ol> with the class carousel-indicators. This will hold the carousel indicator dots.
    Within the ordered list, create list items <li> with the appropriate classes to specify which slide is active and for navigation.
    Next, add another <div> element with the class carousel-inner. This will hold the carousel slides.
    Inside the carousel inner container, create individual <div> elements with the class carousel-item. Each carousel item represents a slide.
    Within each slide’s <div>, add an <img> element with the class d-block w-100 and set the src attribute to the image URL. You can also include an alt attribute for accessibility.
  3. Add Navigation Controls (Optional):  Bootstrap provides built-in navigation controls for the carousel. You can add these using anchor tags <a> with the class carousel-control-prev and carousel-control-next for previous and next buttons respectively.Include additional classes and attributes within the anchor tags to specify functionality.
  4. Include Bootstrap JS and jQuery: Add script tags to your HTML before the closing body tag to include jQuery and Popper.js (a dependency for Bootstrap).Finally, include the Bootstrap JS CDN link.



The provided code also includes some custom CSS styles to enhance the carousel’s appearance. You can customize these styles further to match your website’s design.


By following these steps, you can create a basic image carousel using Bootstrap. This is a great way to add a dynamic element to your website and improve user engagement.

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